I’ve just learned about a really cool command for Raspbian OS, available in recent (Debian 9.0 based and later) Raspbian OS releases: pinout command shows you a visual presentation of what hardware configuration your Raspberry Pi has.
Simply type pinout, you don’t even need to use sudo. You’ll see output consisting of 3 parts that are so visual that I’ll screenshot two of them to show you exactly what to expect.
Pinout command for Rasbian OS – Raspberry Pi schematics
First part of the otuput looks really cool – it shows you the model name and the system board layout – where power and HDMI connections, where Ethernet port is and where to plug in USB (mind you, this is not Raspberry Pi 4 but Pi 2 instead):
Raspberry Pi 2 pinout info
Then you get the second part of the output, which is additional hardware info about your Raspberry Pi:
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