Debian 11 Bullseye Released

Debian Linux Debian Linux

Brand new stable release of Debian Linux, Debian 11 codenamed Bullseye just got released. It’s a major release that took slightly over 2 years of development.

This release is available for 9 architectures, think it even works on recent Raspberry Pi systems - will be cool to try is for my home server.

All the usual desktop environments are included and updated:

  • Gnome 3.38
  • KDE Plasma 5.20
  • LXDE 11
  • LXQt 0.16
  • MATE 1.24
  • Xfce 4.16

Debian 11 is a Long Term Release

Debian 11 Features

  • Linux Kernel 5.10
  • there’s now an open command (sounds very similar to such a command in macOS) for opening a specified file with the default association
  • SystemD supports cgroups v2 now (unified hierarchy), but cgroups v1 is still available
  • over 70% of packages from previous major release have been updated

Notable Improvements

  • exFAT is now supported natively, meaning you no longer have to use FUSE approach (exfat-fuse package)
  • Most printers and scanners are now accessible and fully usable without any drivers (ipp-usb package)

See Also

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