I’m decorating my tmux setup and needed to confirm colour numbers for some elements of the interface. Turns out, it’s simple enough to show all the possible colours with a 1-liner in your favourite Unix shell – bash shell in my case.
Using ESC sequences For Using Colours
I’ll explain how this works in full detail sometime in a separate post, but for now will just give you an example and show how it works:
Colour control in BASH
So, in this example, this is how we achieve colorized text output:
echo command uses -e option to support ESC sequences
\e[38;5;75m is the ESC sequence specifying color number 75.
\e[38;5; is just a special way of telling terminal that we want to use 256-color style
List 256 Terminal Colours with Bash
Here’s how we get the colours now: we create a loop from 1 until 255 (0 will be black) and then use the ESC syntax changing colour to $COLOR variable value. We then output the $COLOR value which will be a number:
for COLOR in {1..255}; do echo -en "\e[38;5;${COLOR}m${COLOR} "; done; echo;
Here’s how running this will look in a propertly configured 256-color terminal:
BASH - show colour codes
Bash Script to Show 256 Terminal Colours
Here’s the same 1-liner converted into proper script for better portability and readability:
for COLOR in {1..255}; do
echo -en "\e[38;5;${COLOR}m"
echo -n "${COLOR} "
If you save this as bash-256-colours.sh and chmod a+rx bash-256-colours.sh, you can now run it every time you want to refresh your memory or pick different colours for some use.
I'm a principal consultant with Tech Stack Solutions. I help with cloud architectrure, AWS deployments and automated management of Unix/Linux infrastructure. Get in touch!