UnixTutorial.RU is Now Using Jekyll

Перевод: Перенёс Unix Tutorial RU на Jekyll

Unix Tutorial Unix Tutorial

I have started WordPress to Jekyll migration for the Russian version of Unix Tutorial website – meaning UnixTutorial.RU has been running on Jekyll since last Sunday.

Progress Update on UnixTutorial.RU migration

  • 10 posts migrated, about 20 more left
  • main pages migrated
  • sidebar elements corrected
  • still need to do breadcrumbs
  • still need to do column-based footer

Impressions from Migration to Jekyll So Far

  • Website is very simple and super fast! Makes things much easier to plan and implement, too – mostly without plugins, just with a few lines of code.
  • As expected, I’m loving the Markdown based workflows. Especially the part there every little change – file name or page title or corrected website link – gets captured in git. Super cool!
  • I got few more plugins installed for Sublime Text 3 and am rapidly becoming a Markdown editing ninja!
  • Pages and posts are nice and clean in terms of contents – finally, there’s zero time wasted on fiddling with auto-formatting and editing copy-pasted snippets of code – now everything justs falls into place as it should

If you speak Russian and read my Unix Tutorial RU blog, please check it out and let me know if you notice anything wrong.


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