Upgrade Ubiquiti UniFi on Ubuntu 19.04
UniFi Controller 5.10.x with Dark Mode
I have upgraded my automation server to Ubuntu 19.04 a few months ago, and this time decided to use the excellent UniFi upgrade script by Glenn R to update UniFi controller version from 5.9.x to 5.10.x
Download the Installation Script
As always, the process is very simple: you visit the UniFi installation scripts page by Glenn R and download the install script with desired UniFi version – 5.10.x is the current stable release so that’s what I did.
The script may offer to download another script, for Easy Update (if you already have UniFi controller software installed) and then ask you to select if you’re upgrading just the controller, or UniFi controller plus all the Ubiquiti devices it manges, or even upgrade the OS. I only upgraded controller.
You get to choose the release version for your upgrade:
UniFi Upgrade - Choose Version
I also got a warning about upgrading controller without firmware on all the managed devices:
UniFi Controller Upgrade - Firmware Warning
My versions of USG and access points are above these (rather old) required versions, so it was okay for me to proceed.
After about 5 min of working, the script confirmed a success:
UniFi Controller Upgrade - Success
Thank you, Glenn! 🙂
Log into Upgraded UniFi Controller
Browsing to the port 8443 on the automation server, I could see the login page immediately confirming freshly upgraded UniFi version:
UniFi Controller Login Screen
… and after the login there’s now a great feature explanation section, showing you what new greatness is available with the most recent update:
UniFi Upgrade - Welcome
Can’t believe how Dark Mode is a seriously new release worthy feature in most software news lately!
I’m very happy with the upgrade scripts and can totally recommend them. Don’t forget I also have a post on installing UniFi controller on Ubuntu 18.10.
That’s it for now, talk to you later!
See Also
- Ubuntu 19.04
- Install Ubiquiti UniFi Controller in Ubuntu 18.10
- Install Ubuntu 19.04 on Dell XPS laptop
- Linux Mint 19.2
- Debian 10 Buster